Alicia Chavez

Medical Assistant

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Alicia (Lisa) Chavez is a Medical Assistant for Onsite Healthcare & Wellness LLC.  She has two children, Katherine and Kosta. They each gave her the greatest gift to be a grandmother to their sons Loukas and Asa. Lisa has been in the medical field as a medical assistant/front office operation specialist well for over 20 years. She received her education at Davenport College in Merrillville, Indiana and has experience in Family Practice, Oncology, Cardiology, and Gastroenterology fields. She was born and raised in Northwest Indiana about 50 miles South of Chicago. She is a diehard Cubs, Bulls, and Blackhawks fan. At 44, she decided to relocate to Greenville, SC to get away from the cold and snow. She feels she is blessed to be part of a wonderful team at Onsite.